import{g,k as y,r as k,c as a,a as t,H as i,aj as f,l as j,o as r,d as m,t as p,x,p as E,f as F,_ as S}from"./DgR3D_w1.js";import{u as _}from"./O1F2TMdC.js";import{s as O,p as N}from"./BMw4bYVx.js";const d=o=>(E("data-v-2142afb9"),o=o(),F(),o),L=j('<section class="tw-pt-12 md:tw-px-24 md:tw-container" data-v-2142afb9><header class="tw-text-center tw-font-agenda md:tw-mb-24" data-v-2142afb9><h1 class="tw-text-[47px] md:tw-text-[75px] tw-font-bold tw-leading-9 md:tw-leading-[1.05] lg:tw-leading-[1.21] tw-px-4 md:tw-px-0 tw-text-left md:tw-text-center" data-v-2142afb9> How Nurture Life Works </h1><p class="tw-m-0 tw-text-xl tw-leading-5 tw-text-left md:tw-text-center tw-uppercase tw-px-4 md:tw-px-0 tw-pt-3 md:tw-pt-0" data-v-2142afb9> DELICIOUS KIDS MEALS & SNACKS, DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR. </p></header><article class="tw-relative tw-max-w-7xl tw-mx-auto tw-pt-24 md:tw-pt-24 tw-overflow-hidden md:tw-overflow-visible" data-v-2142afb9><div class="tw-w-full xl:tw-w-3/5 tw-flex tw-flex-col md:tw-flex-row" data-v-2142afb9><div class="tw-flex tw-items-center tw-justify-center md:tw-block tw-relative" data-v-2142afb9><img src="" alt="Nurture Life menu" class="tw-block tw-w-full tw-h-auto tw-text-center tw-align-middle tw-max-w-[398px]" data-v-2142afb9><div class="tw-absolute tw-top-[-90px] tw-left-[-50px] md:tw-top-[-210px] md:tw-left-[-149px]" data-v-2142afb9><img src="" class="tw-block tw-h-auto tw-max-w-[198px] md:tw-max-w-full" data-v-2142afb9></div></div><div class="tw-w-full xl:tw-w-1/2 tw-flex tw-flex-col tw-justify-center md:tw-max-w-[420px] tw-items-center tw-pt-4 md:tw-pt-0 tw-px-[26px]" data-v-2142afb9><h2 class="tw-mb-4 tw-text-2xl tw-font-bold tw-uppercase tw-text-center" data-v-2142afb9> 1. CHOOSE YOUR FOOD </h2><p class="tw-mb-8 tw-text-center tw-leading-[1.15] tw-text-[16px]" data-v-2142afb9> Select from a variety of balanced toddler meals, and nutritious kids meals, snacks and smoothies. Every item on the menu is made especially for babies, toddlers and kids, with only the best ingredients. Various meal plans are available to cater to your family's needs. </p><a href="/menus/" class="tw-min-w-[169px] tw-inline-flex tw-justify-center tw-items-center tw-px-4 tw-py-1 tw-h-10 tw-text-base tw-font-bold tw-text-emerald-900 tw-bg-yellow-400 tw-rounded-sm tw-border-0 tw-border-solid tw-cursor-pointer tw-border-neutral-100 hover:tw-bg-yellow-500" data-v-2142afb9>View Our Meals</a></div></div></article><article class="tw-w-full tw-flex tw-items-end tw-justify-end tw-relative tw-pt-32 xl:tw-pt-24 tw-overflow-hidden md:tw-overflow-visible" data-v-2142afb9><div class="tw-w-full xl:tw-w-3/5 tw-flex tw-flex-col-reverse md:tw-flex-row tw-justify-end" data-v-2142afb9><div class="tw-w-full xl:tw-w-1/2 tw-flex tw-flex-col tw-justify-center md:tw-max-w-[420px] xl:tw-max-w-[370px] tw-items-center tw-pt-4 md:tw-pt-0 tw-px-[26px]" data-v-2142afb9><h2 class="tw-mb-4 tw-text-2xl tw-font-bold tw-uppercase tw-text-center" data-v-2142afb9> 2. WE COOK & DELIVER </h2><p class="tw-mb-8 tw-text-center tw-leading-[1.15] tw-text-[16px]" data-v-2142afb9> Each week your kids’ food is made to order with clean ingredients like organic veggies, antibiotic-free proteins and whole grains. Food is delivered fresh in refrigerated packaging to your door. </p><a href="/menus/" class="tw-min-w-[169px] tw-inline-flex tw-justify-center tw-items-center tw-px-4 tw-py-1 tw-h-10 tw-text-base tw-font-bold tw-text-emerald-900 tw-bg-yellow-400 tw-rounded-sm tw-border-0 tw-border-solid tw-cursor-pointer tw-border-neutral-100 hover:tw-bg-yellow-500" data-v-2142afb9>View Our Meals</a></div><div class="xl:tw-w-1/2 relative" data-v-2142afb9><div class="tw-flex tw-items-center tw-justify-center md:tw-block tw-relative tw-w-full xl:tw-pl-4" data-v-2142afb9><img src="" alt="Nurture Life menu" class="tw-block tw-w-full tw-h-auto tw-text-center tw-align-middle tw-max-w-[398px]" data-v-2142afb9><div class="tw-absolute tw-top-[-100px] tw-right-[-95px] md:tw-top-[-180px] md:tw-right-[-120px] xl:tw-top-[-220px] xl:tw-right-[-180px]" data-v-2142afb9><img src="" class="tw-block tw-h-auto tw-max-w-[267px] xl:tw-max-w-[400px]" data-v-2142afb9></div></div></div></div></article><article class="tw-relative tw-max-w-7xl tw-mx-auto tw-pt-24 md:tw-pt-48 tw-overflow-hidden md:tw-overflow-visible" data-v-2142afb9><div class="tw-w-full xl:tw-w-3/5 tw-flex tw-flex-col md:tw-flex-row" data-v-2142afb9><div class="tw-flex tw-items-center tw-justify-center md:tw-block tw-relative xl:tw-pr-3" data-v-2142afb9><img src="" alt="Nurture Life menu" class="tw-block tw-w-full tw-h-auto tw-text-center tw-align-middle tw-max-w-[398px]" data-v-2142afb9><div class="tw-absolute tw-top-[-90px] tw-left-[-50px] md:tw-top-[-210px] md:tw-left-[-149px]" data-v-2142afb9><img src="" class="tw-block tw-h-auto tw-max-w-[198px] md:tw-max-w-full" data-v-2142afb9></div></div><div class="tw-w-full xl:tw-w-1/2 tw-flex tw-flex-col tw-justify-center md:tw-max-w-[420px] xl:tw-max-w-[370px] tw-items-center tw-pt-4 md:tw-pt-0 tw-px-[26px]" data-v-2142afb9><h2 class="tw-mb-4 tw-text-2xl tw-font-bold tw-uppercase tw-text-center" data-v-2142afb9> 3. EAT. LOVE. REPEAT. </h2><p class="tw-mb-8 tw-text-center tw-leading-[1.15] tw-text-[16px]" data-v-2142afb9> Serving up irresistible flavors tailored to even the pickiest of eaters, your children will eagerly devour every mouthful. Our meals are conveniently ready in just 1 minute, while snacks and smoothies are easily accessible straight from the fridge! More smiles all around, less stress for you. Skip, pause or cancel anytime. </p><a href="/menus/" class="tw-min-w-[169px] tw-inline-flex tw-justify-center tw-items-center tw-px-4 tw-py-1 tw-h-10 tw-text-base tw-font-bold tw-text-emerald-900 tw-bg-yellow-400 tw-rounded-sm tw-border-0 tw-border-solid tw-cursor-pointer tw-border-neutral-100 hover:tw-bg-yellow-500" data-v-2142afb9>View Our Meals</a></div></div></article><div id="parachute-animation" class="tw-hidden md:tw-block md:tw-absolute tw-left-1/2 tw-w-full tw-h-full tw-leading-6 tw-border-0 tw-border-solid tw-pointer-events-none tw-top-[400px] xl:tw-top-[280px] tw-max-w-[1090px]" style="transform:translate3d(-50%, 0px, 0px);z-index:1;" data-v-2142afb9><svg id="parachute-svg" version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px" viewBox="0 0 1090 1090" enable-background="new 0 0 1089.4 1089.9" xml:space="preserve" class="tw-block tw-text-emerald-900 tw-align-middle" data-v-2142afb9><path id="parachute-path" fill="none" stroke="#004b2c" opacity="0.25" stroke-dasharray="10" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M830.2,0.4c67.4,46.3,110,76,204,54c20.5-4.8,50.6-12.7,54-9c10,10.9-98.5,141.1-216,225c-91,65-409.2,299.6-700,282c-99-6-180.4-35.6-171,8c8,37,378,372,872,529" class="" data-v-2142afb9></path></svg><div id="parachute-man" style="transform:translate3d(772px, -40px, 0px) rotate(9.4deg);" class="tw-absolute tw-top-0 tw-left-0 tw-w-32 tw-h-48 tw-text-emerald-900 tw-will-change-transform" data-v-2142afb9></div></div></section><section class="tw-pt-32 tw-pb-24 tw-relative tw-max-w-screen-2xl tw-mx-auto tw-overflow-hidden md:tw-overflow-visible tw-px-6 lg:tw-px-[10%] xl:tw-px-5" data-v-2142afb9><img src="" class="tw-hidden md:tw-block tw-absolute tw-max-w-[350px] md:tw-max-w-[675px] tw-h-auto tw-right-[-150px] tw-top-[-100px]" data-v-2142afb9><img src="" class="tw-block md:tw-hidden tw-absolute tw-max-w-[350px] md:tw-max-w-[675px] tw-h-auto tw-right-[-125px] tw-top-[15px]" data-v-2142afb9><h2 class="tw-text-[50px] tw-font-bold tw-text-center tw-mb-[50px]" data-v-2142afb9> Benefits </h2><ul class="tw-grid tw-grid-cols-1 md:tw-grid-cols-3 tw-gap-y-[50px] tw-gap-x-[5px] md:tw-gap-[30px] xl:tw-gap-[50px]" data-v-2142afb9><li class="tw-flex tw-justify-center tw-items-center tw-flex-col tw-text-center tw-gap-4" data-v-2142afb9><div data-v-2142afb9><img src="" alt="salmon" class="tw-mix-blend-multiply tw-max-h-[85px]" data-v-2142afb9></div><h3 class="tw-text-[24px] tw-font-semibold tw-text-center tw-font-agenda" data-v-2142afb9> Balanced Nutrition </h3><p class="tw-text-center tw-font-bookmania tw-leading-5 tw-max-w-[356px]" data-v-2142afb9> Designed by dietitians to prioritize a balance of proteins, veggies & whole grains. </p></li><li class="tw-flex tw-justify-center tw-items-center tw-flex-col tw-text-center tw-gap-4" data-v-2142afb9><div data-v-2142afb9><img src="" alt="tractor-1" class="tw-mix-blend-multiply tw-max-h-[85px]" data-v-2142afb9></div><h3 class="tw-text-[24px] tw-font-semibold tw-text-center tw-font-agenda" data-v-2142afb9> REAL, CLEAN INGREDIENTS </h3><p class="tw-text-center tw-font-bookmania tw-leading-5 tw-max-w-[356px]" data-v-2142afb9> Great food starts with great ingredients like organic veggies & antibiotic-free meats </p></li><li class="tw-flex tw-justify-center tw-items-center tw-flex-col tw-text-center tw-gap-4" data-v-2142afb9><div data-v-2142afb9><img src="" alt="onion-chicken" class="tw-mix-blend-multiply tw-max-h-[85px]" data-v-2142afb9></div><h3 class="tw-text-[24px] tw-font-semibold tw-text-center tw-font-agenda" data-v-2142afb9> Flavorful Variety </h3><p class="tw-text-center tw-font-bookmania tw-leading-5 tw-max-w-[356px]" data-v-2142afb9> We've got it all—easy meal delivery for picky eaters that'll satisfy any craving </p></li><li class="tw-flex tw-justify-center tw-items-center tw-flex-col tw-text-center tw-gap-4" data-v-2142afb9><div data-v-2142afb9><img src="" alt="babygreen-chick" class="tw-mix-blend-multiply tw-max-h-[85px]" data-v-2142afb9></div><h3 class="tw-text-[24px] tw-font-semibold tw-text-center tw-font-agenda" data-v-2142afb9> Happy Kids </h3><p class="tw-text-center tw-font-bookmania tw-leading-5 tw-max-w-[356px]" data-v-2142afb9> Plenty of smiles & exclamations of joy with every bite & sip your little one takes. Options for various age ranges! </p></li><li class="tw-flex tw-justify-center tw-items-center tw-flex-col tw-text-center tw-gap-4" data-v-2142afb9><div data-v-2142afb9><img src="" alt="cauliflower-tree" class="tw-mix-blend-multiply tw-max-h-[85px]" data-v-2142afb9></div><h3 class="tw-text-[24px] tw-font-semibold tw-text-center tw-font-agenda" data-v-2142afb9> Less Stress </h3><p class="tw-text-center tw-font-bookmania tw-leading-5 tw-max-w-[356px]" data-v-2142afb9> Let us handle the planning, shopping, prepping, and cooking while you enjoy the convenience of serving it in a minute or less with our delivery services! </p></li><li class="tw-flex tw-justify-center tw-items-center tw-flex-col tw-text-center tw-gap-4" data-v-2142afb9><div data-v-2142afb9><img src="" alt="Mushroom-Barn" class="tw-mix-blend-multiply tw-max-h-[85px]" data-v-2142afb9></div><h3 class="tw-text-[24px] tw-font-semibold tw-text-center tw-font-agenda" data-v-2142afb9> MADE FRESH </h3><p class="tw-text-center tw-font-bookmania tw-leading-5" data-v-2142afb9> You order it, we make it. Our chefs prepare fresh, wholesome food with peak flavor & nutrition </p></li></ul></section><section class="tw-relative tw-max-w-screen-2xl tw-mx-auto tw-mb-[50px] xl:tw-pt-24 tw-overflow-hidden md:tw-overflow-visible" data-v-2142afb9><h2 class="tw-text-[50px] tw-font-bold tw-text-center tw-mb-[50px] tw-leading-[1.08] md:tw-leading-[1.05] tw-px-8" data-v-2142afb9> ALLERGY-FRIENDLY MEAL TYPES </h2><ul class="tw-grid tw-grid-cols-1 md:tw-grid-cols-3 tw-gap-x-[80px] tw-gap-y-[30px] xl:tw-gap-y-[80px] xl:tw-gap-x-[200px]" data-v-2142afb9><li class="tw-flex tw-justify-center tw-items-center tw-flex-col tw-text-center" data-v-2142afb9><h3 class="tw-text-[24px] tw-font-semibold tw-text-center tw-font-agenda" data-v-2142afb9> EGG FREE </h3><a href="/menus/?navItem=heatable-meals&indicators=3" class="tw-mt-2 tw-text-[18px] tw-inline-flex tw-justify-center tw-items-center tw-px-4 tw-py-1 tw-h-10 tw-font-semibold tw-text-emerald-900 tw-bg-yellow-400 tw-rounded-sm tw-border-0 tw-border-solid tw-cursor-pointer tw-border-neutral-100 hover:tw-bg-yellow-500" data-v-2142afb9>Shop Egg Free Meals</a></li><li class="tw-flex tw-justify-center tw-items-center tw-flex-col tw-text-center" data-v-2142afb9><h3 class="tw-text-[24px] tw-font-semibold tw-text-center tw-font-agenda" data-v-2142afb9> FISH FREE </h3><a href="/menus/?navItem=heatable-meals&indicators=4" class="tw-mt-2 tw-text-[18px] tw-inline-flex tw-justify-center tw-items-center tw-px-4 tw-py-1 tw-h-10 tw-font-semibold tw-text-emerald-900 tw-bg-yellow-400 tw-rounded-sm tw-border-0 tw-border-solid tw-cursor-pointer tw-border-neutral-100 hover:tw-bg-yellow-500" data-v-2142afb9>Shop Fish Free Meals</a></li><li class="tw-flex tw-justify-center tw-items-center tw-flex-col tw-text-center" data-v-2142afb9><h3 class="tw-text-[24px] tw-font-semibold tw-text-center tw-font-agenda" data-v-2142afb9> GLUTEN FREE </h3><a href="/menus/?navItem=heatable-meals&indicators=1" class="tw-mt-2 tw-text-[18px] tw-inline-flex tw-justify-center tw-items-center tw-px-4 tw-py-1 tw-h-10 tw-font-semibold tw-text-emerald-900 tw-bg-yellow-400 tw-rounded-sm tw-border-0 tw-border-solid tw-cursor-pointer tw-border-neutral-100 hover:tw-bg-yellow-500" data-v-2142afb9>Shop Gluten Free Meals</a></li><li class="tw-flex tw-justify-center tw-items-center tw-flex-col tw-text-center" data-v-2142afb9><h3 class="tw-text-[24px] tw-font-semibold tw-text-center tw-font-agenda" data-v-2142afb9> SOY FREE </h3><a href="/menus/?navItem=heatable-meals&indicators=7" class="tw-mt-2 tw-text-[18px] tw-inline-flex tw-justify-center tw-items-center tw-px-4 tw-py-1 tw-h-10 tw-font-semibold tw-text-emerald-900 tw-bg-yellow-400 tw-rounded-sm tw-border-0 tw-border-solid tw-cursor-pointer tw-border-neutral-100 hover:tw-bg-yellow-500" data-v-2142afb9>Shop Soy Free Meals</a></li><li class="tw-flex tw-justify-center tw-items-center tw-flex-col tw-text-center" data-v-2142afb9><h3 class="tw-text-[24px] tw-font-semibold tw-text-center tw-font-agenda" data-v-2142afb9> PORK FREE </h3><a href="/menus/?navItem=heatable-meals&indicators=8" class="tw-mt-2 tw-text-[18px] tw-inline-flex tw-justify-center tw-items-center tw-px-4 tw-py-1 tw-h-10 tw-font-semibold tw-text-emerald-900 tw-bg-yellow-400 tw-rounded-sm tw-border-0 tw-border-solid tw-cursor-pointer tw-border-neutral-100 hover:tw-bg-yellow-500" data-v-2142afb9>Shop Pork Free Meals</a></li><li class="tw-flex tw-justify-center tw-items-center tw-flex-col tw-text-center" data-v-2142afb9><h3 class="tw-text-[24px] tw-font-semibold tw-text-center tw-font-agenda" data-v-2142afb9> DAIRY FREE </h3><a href="/menus/?navItem=heatable-meals&indicators=9" class="tw-mt-2 tw-text-[18px] tw-inline-flex tw-justify-center tw-items-center tw-px-4 tw-py-1 tw-h-10 tw-font-semibold tw-text-emerald-900 tw-bg-yellow-400 tw-rounded-sm tw-border-0 tw-border-solid tw-cursor-pointer tw-border-neutral-100 hover:tw-bg-yellow-500" data-v-2142afb9>Shop Dairy Free Meals</a></li><li class="tw-flex tw-justify-center tw-items-center tw-flex-col tw-text-center" data-v-2142afb9><h3 class="tw-text-[24px] tw-font-semibold tw-text-center tw-font-agenda" data-v-2142afb9> COCONUT FREE </h3><a href="/menus/?navItem=heatable-meals&indicators=10" class="tw-mt-2 tw-text-[18px] tw-inline-flex tw-justify-center tw-items-center tw-px-4 tw-py-1 tw-h-10 tw-font-semibold tw-text-emerald-900 tw-bg-yellow-400 tw-rounded-sm tw-border-0 tw-border-solid tw-cursor-pointer tw-border-neutral-100 hover:tw-bg-yellow-500" data-v-2142afb9>Shop Coconut Free Meals</a></li><li class="tw-flex tw-justify-center tw-items-center tw-flex-col tw-text-center" data-v-2142afb9><h3 class="tw-text-[24px] tw-font-semibold tw-text-center tw-font-agenda" data-v-2142afb9> SESAME FREE MEALS </h3><a href="/menus/?navItem=heatable-meals&indicators=11" class="tw-mt-2 tw-text-[18px] tw-inline-flex tw-justify-center tw-items-center tw-px-4 tw-py-1 tw-h-10 tw-font-semibold tw-text-emerald-900 tw-bg-yellow-400 tw-rounded-sm tw-border-0 tw-border-solid tw-cursor-pointer tw-border-neutral-100 hover:tw-bg-yellow-500" data-v-2142afb9>Shop Sesame Free Meals</a></li><li class="tw-flex tw-justify-center tw-items-center tw-flex-col tw-text-center" data-v-2142afb9><h3 class="tw-text-[24px] tw-font-semibold tw-text-center tw-font-agenda" data-v-2142afb9> BEEF FREE </h3><a href="/menus/?navItem=heatable-meals&indicators=12" class="tw-mt-2 tw-text-[18px] tw-inline-flex tw-justify-center tw-items-center tw-px-4 tw-py-1 tw-h-10 tw-font-semibold tw-text-emerald-900 tw-bg-yellow-400 tw-rounded-sm tw-border-0 tw-border-solid tw-cursor-pointer tw-border-neutral-100 hover:tw-bg-yellow-500" data-v-2142afb9>Shop Beef Free Meals</a></li></ul></section>',3),I={class:"tw-relative tw-max-w-screen-2xl tw-mx-auto tw-mt-[100px] tw-mb-[125px] tw-w-full tw-overflow-hidden md:tw-overflow-visible"},M=d(()=>t("div",{class:"tw-flex tw-flex-row tw-items-end tw-justify-center tw-w-full tw-z-10"},[t("img",{src:"",class:"tw-absolute broccoli-1",alt:"broccoli-1"}),t("h2",{class:"tw-text-[36px] sm:tw-text-[50px] tw-mb-[24px] tw-mt-[24px] tw-font-bold tw-text-center sm:tw-mb-[50px]"}," Faqs "),t("img",{src:"",class:"tw-absolute broccoli-2",alt:"broccoli-2"})],-1)),R={class:"tw-grid tw-grid-cols-1 md:tw-grid-cols-2 tw-max-w-5xl tw-mx-auto faq"},D={class:"md:tw-pl-12 tw-px-12 tw-z-20"},W=["onClick"],T=d(()=>t("button",{class:"tw-text-4xl tw-font-thin font-sans"},"+",-1)),C={key:0},A=["innerHTML"],B={class:"md:tw-pr-12 tw-px-12 tw-z-20"},V=["onClick"],Y=d(()=>t("button",{class:"tw-text-4xl tw-font-thin font-sans"},"+",-1)),z={key:0},H=["innerHTML"],b="how-it-works",$=g({__name:"how-it-works",async setup(o){let s,c;const{data:h}=([s,c]=y(async()=>_(b,async()=>await $fetch(`/api/content/pages/${b}`),"$CXD033kzNc")),s=await s,c(),s);O(N(h.value));const l=k([{question:"What makes Nurture Life different?",answer:` Nurture Life makes delicious, nutritious food for babies, toddlers and kids and delivers it straight to your door—eliminating the stress of meal prep and giving you precious time back in your busy day. In addition to well-balanced meals, we offer delicious Mighty Bites (cookie-inspired snacks!) and naturally sweet Superfood Smoothies.<br> <br> Convenience aside, we’re proud of what makes us different from other kids meal delivery companies:<br> <br> - Uncompromising focus on nutrition<br> - Super-flexible ordering system<br> - Diverse, kid-friendly flavors that even picky eaters can delight in!<br> <br> We balance every meal with guidance from our registered dietitians, and we make sure that veggies are found on every plate. We use the same high-quality ingredients you’d use in your own kitchen, except our meals are ready to be loved in just 1 minute! Snacks and smoothies can be grabbed right from the fridge. `,show:!1},{question:"Who is Nurture Life for?",answer:` If your busy schedule makes it difficult to make <u class="tw-border-gray-100 tw-border-solid tw-border-0 tw-box-border tw-font-semibold tw-text-sm tw-leading-5 tw-text-left tw-text-green-900 tw-tracking-wide"> <a href="/menus/">healthy food that your little one will actually eat</a> </u>, then Nurture Life is for you. We offer a varied menu of flavorful, well-balanced, thoughtfully portioned meals for babies, toddlers and kids—plus snacks and smoothies to fill those between-meal needs! While all of our menu items are packed with irresistibly kid-friendly flavors, they still serve up the clean, nutritious ingredients that kids need to grow up healthy and happy.<br> <br> When you need one less thing on your plate, Nurture Life is here. We deliver freshly made food that your kids will love, and our flexible ordering system makes your day-to-day easier—exactly what every parent needs. `,show:!1},{question:"Is there an order minimum?",answer:` Yes, you must order a minimum of 6 items (Finger Foods, Kids Meals, Mighty Bites or Superfood Smoothies!). This helps us cover our packaging and shipping costs.<br> <br> You can also receive discounts by choosing a larger plan:<br> - 10 items = $5 OFF your entire order<br> - 13 items = $10 OFF your entire order<br> - 16 items = $15 OFF your entire order<br> <br> Browse our <u class="tw-border-gray-100 tw-border-solid tw-border-0 tw-box-border tw-font-semibold tw-text-sm tw-leading-5 tw-text-left tw-text-green-900 tw-tracking-wide"> <a href="/menus/">healthy meal delivery menu</a> </u> and start your order today. `,show:!1},{question:"How does Nurture Life’s kids meal subscription service work?",answer:` The process is simple! You choose a plan size and select nutritious, delicious meals, snacks and smoothies from our menu. Our plans start at 6 meals, with greater discounts as you add more meals:<br> <br> - 10 items = $5 OFF your entire order<br> - 13 items = $10 OFF your entire order<br> - 16 items = $15 OFF your entire order<br> <br> Once you’ve placed your order, our chefs get to work! We’ll prepare your kids’ food using the freshest ingredients with a focus on organic veggies and antibiotic- and hormone-free proteins. Within just about a week, your box will arrive fresh—cold but never frozen.<br> <br> Each week, we automatically fill your order with suggested meals based on your preferences, but you can log into your Nurture Life <u class="tw-border-gray-100 tw-border-solid tw-border-0 tw-box-border tw-font-semibold tw-text-sm tw-leading-5 tw-text-left tw-text-green-900 tw-tracking-wide"> <a href="">account</a> </u> to change what’s coming in your next order, skip that week, pause your account or cancel. Our healthy meal delivery service is designed to work for your family, no matter what your routine looks like. `,show:!1},{question:"Do I have to order every week?",answer:` Nope! We make it easy for you to skip weeks, pause or cancel altogether so you have the flexibility you need for your family’s schedule. We just ask that any changes to a weekly order be made before your order cutoff date so that we can purchase the right amount of ingredients to make your meals, snacks and smoothies. (You can find your cutoff information in the <u class="tw-border-gray-100 tw-border-solid tw-border-0 tw-box-border tw-font-semibold tw-text-sm tw-leading-5 tw-text-left tw-text-green-900 tw-tracking-wide"> <a href="">orders</a> </u> section of your account.)<br/> <br/> Get started building your first <u> <a href="/menus/">order</a> </u> today. `,show:!1},{question:"What are Nurture Life’s nutritional standards?",answer:` With dietitian-designed meals, snacks and smoothies, our food philosophy is uncompromising:<br/> <br/> - Delicious AND nutritious<br/> - Veggies in every meal<br/> - Good source of protein<br/> - Real, organic ingredients<br/> - Fresh, never frozen<br/> <br/> Just as much as we care about what goes into our food, we care about what DOESN’T go in:<br/> <br/> - No trans fat<br/> - No high fructose corn syrup<br/> - No artificial colors or flavors<br/> - No nitrates<br/> <br/> Plus, we keep sugar and salt low so your kid can enjoy the natural deliciousness of our real, clean ingredients. (For example, our Superfood Smoothies have no added sugar at all!) We pay such close attention to our food because it’s what your kids (and you!) deserve. We never compromise on nutrition and are constantly working to source the freshest and best ingredients for babies, toddlers and kids. `,show:!1},{question:"How do I prepare Nurture Life meals?",answer:` No prep work necessary! Simply heat our Kids Meals in the microwave for a meal ready in 1 minute, or place them in an oven-safe container and heat them in the oven. Our Finger Foods can be enjoyed hot or cold, but if you do heat them up, they should be transferred to a heat-safe container first. Our Mighty Bite snacks and Superfood Smoothies can be savored right from the fridge with no prep at all.<br/> <br/> For full meal info including use by dates, heating instructions, nutrition facts and ingredients, just check the packaging! `,show:!1},{question:"Does Nurture Life’s menu change?",answer:` Yes and no. Our core <u> <a href="/menus/">menu</a> </u> offers a set of customer favorites that never change. These meals, snacks and smoothies are on our menu every week, ensuring that your kids’ go-to foods are always available.<br/> <br/> To keep things fresh, however, we also consistently introduce new meals to the Nurture Life menu. Every couple of months, you can expect to see delicious new meals with creative flavors, clean ingredients and—of course—veggies on every plate!<br/> <br/> This gives your kids the opportunity to try even more ingredients, flavors and textures—familiarizing them with a variety of foods and helping expand their palates from an early age. Between our core meals and our new ones, we always have at least 25 Kids Meals, 12 Finger Foods, plus snacks and smoothies that are made to be enjoyed straight from the fridge!<br/> <br/> By giving us feedback on your order, you also have an important say in the changes we make to our healthy meal delivery menu. If you have a suggestion or request, we want to hear it at! `,show:!1}]),u=w=>{l.value.forEach(n=>{n!==w&&(!1)}),!};return(w,n)=>(r(),a(i,null,[L,t("section",I,[M,t("div",R,[t("ul",D,[(r(!0),a(i,null,f(l.value.slice(0,4),e=>(r(),a("li",{key:e.question,class:"tw-pr-4 tw-border-b-2 tw-border-[#70707033] tw-py-1"},[t("a",{onClick:v=>u(e),class:"tw-flex tw-items-center tw-justify-between tw-cursor-pointer"},[m(p(e.question)+" ",1),T],8,W),,a("div",C,[t("p",{class:"tw-border-gray-100 tw-border-solid tw-border-0 tw-box-border tw-font-semibold tw-text-sm tw-leading-5 tw-m-0 tw-text-left tw-text-green-900 tw-tracking-wide",innerHTML:e.answer},null,8,A)])):x("",!0)]))),128))]),t("ul",B,[(r(!0),a(i,null,f(l.value.slice(4,8),e=>(r(),a("li",{key:e.question,class:"tw-pr-4 tw-border-b-2 tw-border-[#70707033] tw-py-1"},[t("a",{onClick:v=>u(e),class:"tw-flex tw-items-center tw-justify-between tw-cursor-pointer"},[m(p(e.question)+" ",1),Y],8,V),,a("div",z,[t("p",{class:"tw-border-gray-100 tw-border-solid tw-border-0 tw-box-border tw-font-semibold tw-text-sm tw-leading-5 tw-m-0 tw-text-left tw-text-green-900 tw-tracking-wide",innerHTML:e.answer},null,8,H)])):x("",!0)]))),128))])])])],64))}}),P=S($,[["__scopeId","data-v-2142afb9"]]);export{P as default};